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Why Won’t Your Air Conditioner Blow Cool Air?

Let’s discuss A/C troubleshooting.

air conditioner While summer’s official start is later in the month, we’re already enjoying some toasty afternoons on the Upper Cape. In Falmouth, the Tasha Fuels & Propane office has started receiving air conditioner repair requests from homeowners whose central A/C won’t blow cold air.

While some cooling issues require a visit from a professional HVAC technician, there are others you can resolve yourself. Doing so can prevent a service appointment. Try these A/C troubleshooting tips and see if they get the cool air moving in your home.

Check Your Thermostat Settings

As obvious as it may sound, the issue with your central A/C system could be your thermostat. Check the following things:

  1. Is your thermostat set to “cool” or “air conditioning” mode?
  2. Is your thermostat’s temperature set 5 degrees cooler than your current room temperature?
  3. If your battery-powered thermostat has a blank screen, check to see if it needs new batteries.

Confirm Your A/C is Getting Power

If your central A/C equipment isn’t running, it might not be receiving the electricity it needs. Start by looking at the power switches and ensure they’re all on. If so, look at your breaker box or fuse box to make sure the circuit is powered.

Look at Your Vents

Are you failing to get cool air in your home even though your A/C equipment is running? Your vents could be closed or blocked by furniture, rugs, house plants or other objects. Walk around your home and make sure your vents are open and unobstructed.

Check Your Air Filters

When was the last time you checked the air filter in your forced-air HVAC system? If this filter is dirty or clogged, it could be restricting your A/C airflow. During the peak heating and cooling seasons, we recommend you check your air filter at least once a month. You should clean or replace any dirty filter.

Look at Your Outdoor A/C Unit

Your outdoor A/C unit needs about 18 to 30 inches of clear space around it so it can “breathe.” Take a moment to ensure that this unit isn’t clogged with weeds, plants or yard debris. If it’s covered in grass clippings, hose it off for a minute. Also, be sure never to stack anything on top of it.

Give a call to the A/C pros at Tasha!

If you have tried all of these troubleshooting tips but your central A/C isn’t cooling down your home, it’s time to give the Tasha Fuels & Propane team a call. Your A/C issue could be something more significant, like low refrigerant, a blocked evaporator coil or drainpipe, frayed wiring or a part that needs replacement.

In all these cases, you must reach out to a professional for your A/C repair. The Tasha team is always available to help with your cooling maintenance and repair needs. We’ve been keeping families comfortable on the Upper Cape and across Southeastern Massachusetts for 30 years, and we bring the same care and professionalism to our A/C work that we do to our world-class fuel delivery.

At Tasha, you aren’t just a number — you’re a neighbor. If you need A/C service, contact our team today.