The surest way to reduce your home’s heating and cooling expenses is to invest in efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy advises that equipment upgrades, combined with proper maintenance, insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings, can reduce your heating and cooling energy consumption by up to 50 percent!
Families on the Upper Cape and throughout Southeastern Massachusetts can also enjoy substantial savings for installing high-efficiency heating equipment, air conditioning equipment, and water heaters.

Energy Efficiency + Rebates = BIG savings!
Mass Save rebates for residential heating and cooling equipment are now available. Review the 2024 rebate amounts by clicking the link below to see how much you can save. Then contact us so we can help you qualify!

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, you can receive a $600 federal tax credit for installing qualifying high-efficiency heating oil furnaces, boilers, central A/C, and water heaters, and up to $2,000 credit for Energy Star-rated air-source ductless systems.