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Schedule Your End-of-Season AC Tune-up

Cooling system maintenance gets you ahead of the game for next season!

AC tune-up Cotuit, ma It’s about time to put another gorgeous Cape Cod summer in the history books. No doubt your central ac or ductless mini-split air conditioning system has been serving you well in these toasty months, but soon it will be time to power down for the summer. That would be right around when you’re busting out your favorite fall cardigan and ordering your first pumpkin-spiced latte.

But there’s something else you should take care of before the leaves start to turn — scheduling an end-of-the-summer A/C tune-up.

A/C maintenance pays off big time

At Tasha Fuels & Propane, we recommend that homeowners schedule routine maintenance every year. An annual tune-up from a Tasha HVAC technician pays dividends in energy savings and system health. Regular service ensures that your system:

The late summer and early fall are excellent times to arrange an A/C tune-up. Our HVAC team will have more availability before the cold weather arrives. And you don’t need to worry about your maintenance “wearing off.” The cleaning, calibration and fixes our team does will be in place when you turn your equipment back on next summer!

Other ways to care for your cooling equipment

We understand that A/C equipment is a big, important investment. Cooling systems are expensive, and during the hottest weeks of the year, a working A/C is essential for your family’s comfort and safety. Here are other ways to show your cooling systems some TLC:

  1. Check your air filters. Ideally, you should check your filters monthly during the cooling season to see if they need cleaning or replacement. If you neglected them this summer, check them out today. It makes a massive difference to your system’s health.
  2. Look at your outdoor equipment. Whether you have a central air or ductless system, it’s important to ensure your outdoor units don’t become clogged with weeds, grass, creeping vines or refuse. Check your equipment and clear two feet of space around it. This will help your airflow considerably.
  3. Clean your drainage. All central A/C systems produce moisture, but this water typically drains out of a condensate line. This pipe can become clogged, which leads to equipment leaks, mold accumulation and system inefficiency. Check your drain and call the Tasha team if you need help with a clog.

Has Tasha serviced your heating equipment this year?

With summer ending, frosty weather is right around the corner on the Upper Cape. If your furnace or boiler hasn’t received a tune-up this year, we recommend getting it done in the fall. Like with A/C service, heating system service will save you energy in the winter.

With three decades dedicated to keeping families comfortable in Southeastern Massachusetts, the Tasha team has the experience and commitment to handle every aspect of your HVAC equipment. Schedule your comprehensive service today.